Tuesday 14 January 2014

The One Time In My Life When Self Harm Was Not An Option

My Baby

In March 1993, I was to discover I was expecting my first child.


For the months that followed, I had someone else to look after and care for.  My baby was all that mattered and my own addiction would have to take a back seat.  Luckily, I was so happy during this time that the past rarely came into my thoughts and for the first time, in a long time, I had a reason to look forward.

I was carrying something that was pure and perfect and this somehow took the feeling that I was bad inside away for a while.

On 17th November 1993, at 7.18pm, Bethany Jane came into the world weighing 7lb 9oz.  This was the happiest moment of my life!

My most treasured memory was opening my eyes the morning after she was born and seeing two big blue eyes staring at me and thinking "She is mine" and she is my reason to survive!

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