Sunday 26 January 2014

In A Darkened Room ***MAY TRIGGER***

In a darkened room
All alone
I close the curtains
And ignore the phone

Noone knows
The pain I feel
If only for a minute
I could feel real

Positive ideas
Are just silly notions
As I go through my life
Acting out the motions

Good days, they come
And I think it’s all passed
But then just as quickly
Again life is trashed

Backed in a corner
With nowhere to turn
Maybe a bruise
Or maybe a burn

The battle that follows
Is second to none
I have to be strong
I have to go on

But the demons inside me
Take over my mind
It’s like being tortured
With their ropes, they bind

Like clips from a movie
Images rush through my head
It’s in moments like these
I wish I were dead

The scars they run deep
Inside and out
I need to scream
I need to shout

The urge to cut
And see my blood
Would turn all my badness
Back into good

I crave some peace
I need some calm
As I take the blade
And rest it against my arm

The power another
Has over your soul
Finally sinks in
I need a new goal

To punish myself
Has gone on too long
I wasn’t bad
It was him in the wrong

Life is too lonely
When I do this alone
I need to tell someone
Or pick up that phone

Trust is the issue
A big risk to take
But somebody out there
May give me a break

To express how I feel
I find very hard
The last thing I want
Is to ever drop my guard

I take a deep breath
And finally reach out
The fear starts to fade
Along with the doubt

As the person I love
Tells me “It’ll be ok”
I find a new strength
To start a new day

Out of the darkness
And into the light
I see far more clearly
That life is alright

This thing can be beaten
With a tug and a shove
From someone you care for
And someone you love


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