Sunday 12 January 2014

Memories Of My Childhood

Memories Of My Childhood

Growing up as the eldest of two daughters, I soon learned that my sister and I were very lucky to have two parents who loved us so much. 

My Mum was the soft parent who constantly told us she loved us and never put massive expectations on us.  She was always happy as long as we tried our best.  We spent hours as small children, reading together, baking, walking in the woods, taking part in lots of activities, where my Mum would always be that Mum who shouted us on the loudest.

My Dad was the stricter side of our parenting and he had that look that told us we had gone far enough.  We never pushed him further, not out of fear but moreso, respect.  My Dad didn't show affection in the same way as my Mum and was quite hard but I always knew that he loved us.  He taught me not to trust people easily and taught me about the dangers of the world.  My Mum often accused me of being hard like my Dad.  This was something that pleased me because he was my hero and to be like him was all I ever wanted to be.

We were strictly and fairly disciplined but never hit and always loved.  We were taught manners, respect and the importance of caring for others.

I am fortunate to be one of those people who remembers every single thing from childhood, from my first day starting infant school to my last day leaving secondary school.  I loved school and had lots of friends.  During those years we had birthday parties, sleepovers, family holidays and also the pleasure of having two sets of Grandparents who lived in the same village and we saw almost daily.

In my later teenage years, my relationship with my Mum and Dad grew even stronger.  My Mum and I would enjoy days out shopping together and in the evening, when I finished work, I would often watch late night films with my Dad and chat for hours.  My Sister and I argued like all Sisters do but deep down we were extremely close and I loved her very much.

There isn't one thing I would change about my years of growing up.  I loved every minute of it and I am fortunate enough to still have my Mum and Dad in my life and a great relationship with my Sister.

At this stage of my life, I knew I had a hard side to me and struggled a bit to show emotion.  I knew I liked to have time alone and enjoyed my own company but I had never self harmed or thought about harming myself.

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